Where my web projects had originated from : My old apartment in Mountain View, California, USA.


I had lived in Mountain View, California, USA in 1997. My old friend Jason had kindly taken the top picture of the old apartment I had lived at. The building was an old motel, if not mistaken. I left the USA to come back to the UK in February of 2006. I am a visual thinker and I am a creative person. When I looked at the photos above, several days ago, good memories came flooding back. I recall hiring a web designer to create a website for me. I had a full time job at the time. I would work on my site in the evenings and on my days off. I had closed the site down a couple of years later. However, the site was quite popular while it was running. The co that I had my sites hosted with, said that my site was receiving a lot of traffic.

I recall being one of the first beta test users for Google back in 1998. I liked the unusual name they had chosen for their business. I had basically fallen in love with the internet. In fact, I had become interested in the power and the potential of the internet, when I had seen how my late friend, James Sheldon Cook, had learned html web design in order to create his own website. James had subscribed to an internet provider when the internet was just starting out. 

Moving to the present, I still love the internet. I have several web based projects I am working on. I have a few Google blogs and I also have several Google sites websites. I have remained loyal to Google. I will write more about my web projects in future posts.

My Remote Influencing links of a chain affirmation.

Do you see a connection here when you read what I have written? I will answer the question for you. The connection is Mountain View, California, USA. This is the headquarters for Google and this is the same city I had lived at.  I will provide a link to my Remote Influencing links of a chain affirmation below.
